Circle Track 355  Performance Engine


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Part Number:   88958603
Taxes not included

Fits On/Installation Notes:

The versatile ZZ4 350 adapted for Circle Track competition!

Renowned for its deep reserve of torque, responsive power and great
dependability, the ZZ4 350 crate-engine is one of GM Performance
Parts’ most popular crate engines – and our engineers have adapted
that combination as a winning, affordable racing engine in the CT355!
The CT355’s strength lies in its ZZ4 bottom end, which includes a block
with four-bolt mains, a forged-steel crankshaft and high-silicon pistons.

A steel hydraulic roller camshaft actuates valves in the high-flow
aluminum ZZ4 heads, which boast 163cc intake ports and 1.94/1.50-inch
valves. This combination makes good power and great torque: 355 hp
and 405 lb.-ft.

Like our other Circle Track crate engines, the CT355 includes a racing oil
pan with a dual kick-out design. It also includes a valve cover breather
kit, a special “kool nut” rocker arm nut design, a dual-plane aluminum
high-rise intake manifold, cast iron water pump, HEI distributor and
balancer. You add the carburetor, starter, spark plugs and wires – all
available from

355 HP @ 5250 RPM
405 ft/lbs TQ @ 3500 RPM
10:1 Compression Ratio
Cast Iron 4-Bolt Main Block with 1-Piece Rear Main Seal
1053 Forged Steel Crankshaft

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