Fits On/Installation Notes:
The most powerful Big-Block street engine from GMPP!
The ZZ572/620 is the ultimate expression of GM Performance Parts’
engineering capability.
We build the ZZ572 with huge 4.560-inch bores and add a forged
4.375-inch-stroke crankshaft. To make sure those cylinders are packed
with every cubic centimeter’s worth of atmosphere, we use a camshaft
with incredible 0.632/0.632-inch lift and 254°/264° duration specifications.
Aluminum rectangular-port heads with 310cc intake passages
complement the airflow capability offered by the big-bore bottom end.
They also feature 118cc raised exhaust ports and 118cc combustion
chambers. The valves are big, too – measuring 2.250 inches on the
intake side and 1.880 inches on the exhausts.
GM Performance Parts delivers the ZZ572/620 Deluxe with an 850-cfm
carburetor, HEI distributor, aluminum water pump and distinctive orange
powder-coated valve covers that proudly proclaim the 572 legend.
650 lb.-ft. @ 4,500 rpm
620 hp @ 5,500 rpm